Our Passionate Teachers.

Study with our talented teachers across our three locations - Woolloomooloo, Bondi Junction and Artarmon.

Core teaching staff (alphabetical order):


Adrian Burnett - Classical ballet, pas-de-deux, choreography

Joshua Consandine - Classical ballet, pas-de-deux, choreography

Rebekah Cutts - Classical ballet, contemporary

Catherine Goss - Classical ballet , pointe

Naomi Hibberd - Contemporary

Hilary Kaplan - Classical ballet, Spanish, choreography, teachers course

Penny Martin - Jazz, choreography

Archibald McKenzie - Classical ballet, Spanish, music, history, composition, teachers course

Kerrie Smith - Classical ballet

Georgette Sofatzis - Contemporary, choreography

Shelley Moore - Contemporary, choreography

Lisa Bennett - Classical ballet

Guest teachers.


Sarah Elliott - Classical ballet

Fabio Lo Giudice - Classical ballet

Cass Mortimer Eipper - Contemporary, choreography

Angela Hamilton - Contemporary, choreography

Shelley Moore - Contemporary, choreography

Victor Zarallo - Classical ballet, contemporary